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QA - Introduction to Python Programming+ Basic Programming + Selenium Live Projects

Introduction to Python Programming+ Basic Programming + Selenium Live Projects:

In this subject, students will delve into the world of computation with a focus on practical applications in digital media. Programming skills will be applied to communicate through social computing outlets, and the course will introduce the use of Selenium WebDriver 3 and Selenium Server, culminating in a live project.

Knowledge Core Competency:

Upon completing this subject, students are expected to explain how to initiate projects using the Python programming language and apply Selenium concepts.


  1. Define the scope of computer science and its key concerns.
  2. Discuss the role of Strings in computer programming.
  3. Modify pictures using Loops and manipulate pixels based on position.
  4. Compose sounds by combining pieces.
  5. Manipulate text through methods and files.
  6. Explore the history of object-oriented programming.
  7. Understand instances and their relationship to browser sessions.
  8. Build a Selenium Framework.
  9. Explain the concept of a Keyword Driven Framework fetching keywords from a Database.

Skill Core Competency:

Upon completing this subject, students are expected to proficiently work with the Python programming language and apply Selenium concepts to create functional projects.


  1. Initiate programming projects in Python.
  2. Work with Strings to create and modify text.
  3. Modify pictures and sound using loops, along with pixel manipulation by position.
  4. Design programs to meet specific company needs.
  5. Create and modify movies using programming skills.
  6. Work with core concepts of Selenium WebDriver 3.0.
  7. Design a Keyword Driven Framework with Database integration.
  8. Effectively use build triggers in Jenkins to automate tests.
  9. Work with the Document Object Model (DOM) to access page elements.
  10. Integrate Maven and Jenkins with Selenium WebDriver.
  11. Utilize Selenium Grid to run multiple tests concurrently.

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