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QA - HTML5 and CSS3

HTML5 and CSS3:

In this subject, students will be introduced to the foundational concepts of HTML5 and CSS3. The course will cover the principles and features of HTML5 and CSS3 that designers and developers use in their daily work, enabling students to create well-designed and visually enhanced web pages.

Knowledge Core Competency:

Upon completing this subject, students are expected to understand the concepts of HTML5 and CSS3. They should be able to create HTML pages and apply enhanced visual effects with CSS3.


  1. Recognize the building blocks of web pages and understand how to work with them.
  2. List the components of HTML Structure and comprehend their application in web page design.
  3. List the components of CSS Structure and comprehend their application in web page design.
  4. Summarize the concept of Layout with Styles as it applies to web pages.
  5. Explain the concepts of incorporating Video, Audio, and Other Multimedia into web pages.
  6. Understand the concepts of testing, debugging, and publishing web pages.

Skill Core Competency:

Upon completing this subject, students are expected to be able to create, enhance, and maintain web pages using HTML and CSS.


  1. Effectively work with the building blocks of web pages.
  2. Effectively work with HTML Structure and its components to design functional web pages.
  3. Effectively work with CSS Structure and its components to design functional web pages.
  4. Utilize functions such as Layout with Styles to design web pages.
  5. Apply Video, Audio, and Other Multimedia to web pages.
  6. Perform testing, debugging, and publishing of web pages.

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