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QA - Agile Test Methodologies + Scrum

Agile Test Methodologies + Scrum:

In this subject, students will explore software development projects employing Agile methods, with a specific focus on software testing and quality assurance management.

Knowledge Core Competency:

Upon completing this subject, students are expected to discuss Agile methodology from the perspective of software testing and software quality assurance management.


  1. List the Agile methodology and classic process models.
  2. Describe how to plan an Agile project.
  3. Explain the concept of unit tests and the test-first approach.
  4. Discuss integration testing and continuous integration.
  5. Explain the concept of system testing and test nonstop.
  6. State the importance of quality management and quality assurance.

Skill Core Competency:

Upon completing this subject, students are expected to adeptly use Agile Test Methodologies such as Scrum.


  1. Contribute to a detailed discussion of integration testing.
  2. Use concepts of Agile software development methods to enhance software quality.
  3. Work effectively in teams, optimizing the use of expertise.
  4. Apply automated testing methods to unit, integration, and system tests.
  5. Implement Agile methods to improve software testing procedures effectively.

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