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Job Search Strategies

Job Search Strategies:

This subject provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the skills needed to secure meaningful employment post-graduation. Through practical assignments, in-class discussions, job search procedures, and mock interviews, students will develop these essential skills.

Knowledge Core Competency: Upon completion of this course, students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the skills required for job searching, developing resumes and cover letters for job applications, and navigating job interviews.


  1. Describe the essential components of a well-crafted resume.
  2. Outline the key components of an effective cover letter.
  3. Summarize the job interview process, including the question-and-answer session.
  4. Identify available job search resources.
  5. Discuss the proper conduct during a job interview.

Skill Core Competency: Upon completion of this course, students will be able to prepare resumes, cover letters, create a job search database, and confidently participate in job interviews.


  1. Develop an effective resume that highlights qualifications and experiences.
  2. Create a tailored cover letter that aligns with a specific job posting.
  3. Utilize various job search resources efficiently.
  4. Navigate and excel in job interviews.
  5. Demonstrate proper conduct and professionalism during job interviews.

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