Business Law
Business Law:
In this subject, students will gain knowledge and understanding of the laws necessary to safely run a small business. The course covers various aspects, from contracts to copyright, financing to insurance, and provides clear explanations of proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.
Knowledge Core Competency: Upon completion of this subject, a student is expected to summarize key aspects of the law needed to run a small business.
- Identify various ways to carry on a business.
- List important start-up issues that may arise when initiating a small business.
- Explain why intellectual property is a crucial asset for an organization.
- Discuss the significance of trademarks and patents as assets for an organization.
- Identify privacy obligations faced by business owners and employees.
Skill Core Competency: Upon completion of this subject, a student is expected to use legal services effectively for small business operations.
- Choose a suitable business structure that aligns with the owners’ needs.
- Professionally manage interactions with consumers and employees.
- Effectively use contracts for protection and resolution of disputes.
- Successfully handle billings and collections.
- Utilize professional advisors when necessary.