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CACC Re-Admissions Policy


Re-admission applicants always seek a second chance to improve academically and personally. Similarly, Canadian All Care College (CACC) is always welling those students who show evidence that the reasons behind failing have been resolved. At CACC, we’re committed to meeting our student and organizational needs by creating robust admissions and financial aid processes and helping each student through each step of the process. One vital purpose of this process is to ensure that students feel confident in their decision to advance their education and career with CACC and, later, develop a financial plan to pay for their college education. 

Re-admission applications are reviewed based on the same qualifications regardless of age, gender, race, religion, national origin, or marital status. 


This policy will apply to all Re-Admission students who apply to CACC academic programs.

Eligibility for Re-Admission

  1. Former students who have withdrawn voluntarily or were academically dismissed may apply for re-admission.  
  2. Students who have been withdrawn for more than a year are considered new applicants and must fulfill the entrance requirements, including taking the entrance exams.  
  3. Students who have been withdrawn within a year may bypass the entrance exams but are required to challenge the relevant exams to demonstrate their readiness for academic programs. 

Re-Admission Policy for Non-NACC Programs 

Eligibility for Re-Admission:  

  1. Former students who have voluntarily withdrawn or were academically dismissed may seek re-admission. 
  2. Students who have been absent from the program for over a year are regarded as new applicants and must meet the entry requirements, which include taking entrance exams. 
  3. Students who have been absent for less than a year may skip the entrance exams but must undertake relevant exams to demonstrate their readiness for academic programs. 

Re-Admission Procedures: 

Re-Admission after 12 Months or More: 

  1. Former students absent from the program for 12 months or more must undergo the re-admission process as if they were new students. 

Re-Admission between 6-12 Months: 

  1. Consult with the College Director to evaluate the student’s transcripts. 
  2. Complete Module tests and performance demonstrations for previously completed modules, achieving a minimum passing score of 70%. 
  3. The decision regarding re-admission will be made individually by the College Director upon meeting the aforementioned conditions. 

Re-Admission after Less Than Six Months: 

  1. Meet with the College Director to review the student’s transcripts. 
  2. Resume the program from the point of departure. 
  3. The decision regarding re-admission will be made individually by the Director upon meeting the aforementioned conditions. 

This policy aims to streamline the re-admission process for eligible former students while upholding academic standards. Students are encouraged to reach out to the Academic Department for further information or inquiries. 


Admission of Students previously (withdrawn) from CACC   

Students who have been previously withdrawn from the College must have evidence that they have addressed the issues which led to their withdrawal and may be admitted subject to probationary conditions, which will be outlined to the applicant at the time of the offer. Accepting an applicant under such circumstances will require approval from the President/ College Director.  

RE-Admission of NACC Students  

Students who failed to pass the NACC exams for three attempts within the grace period (one year commences once the placement is complete) are eligible for Re-admission within a year of the third attempt and/or end of grace period without the need to retake the entrance exam.  

NACC Postponed students 

Students who have withdrawn from the program, failed the exams, or passed the grace period and wish to resume the program to complete their studies must submit their request in writing as follows: 

If the student was out of the program for 12 months or more, they must be readmitted as a new student. 

If the student was out of the program for less than 12 months, they must: 

  1. Meet with the College Director to review student’s transcripts;  
  2. Challenge the Module tests and performance demonstrations for modules already completed and receive a minimum passing score of 75% and   
  3. Have their readmission determined individually by the College Director once the above conditions have been met.  

If out of the program for less than six months, they must rejoin the program where they left off, and they must: 

  1. Meet with the College Director to review students’ transcripts. 
  2. Have their readmission determined individually by the Director once the above conditions have been met. 

Admissions of Students with Unsatisfactory References   

  1. The College reserves the right to request references and/or school reports for all applicants. The President/Academic Manager will review unsatisfactory references. A decision to admit an applicant with insufficient regard will require the President/Academic Manager’s approval.  
  2. Applicants previously excluded from any other educational institution may be required to attend an additional interview to allow the College to access many different needs.  


It may be necessary for the College to close or cancel a program when insufficient numbers of applicants have applied for the program. The College will notify applicants as soon as they become aware of such a decision. A 100% tuition fee will be refunded if any program is cancelled before the start date.


The College must protect students and staff and, thus, reserves the right to refuse admission to an applicant with evidence that the student could be a threat or danger to others.


The College reserves the right to refuse admission to an applicant who has outstanding debts to the College.


All students’ data is held securely. Information can be shared with a third party only with the applicant’s consent, in conjunction with the College’s Privacy Policy.


To understand admission denial, an applicant may file an appeal in writing for the program coordinator, which will then be processed and sent to the President/Academic Manager. A committee consisting of the President/Academic Manager, Academic coordinator and

The admission Coordinator will review the appeal and get back to the applicant with a decision.

CACC will provide training and resources to employees and individuals associated with the organization to ensure compliance with this policy. CACC will periodically review and update this policy to ensure its continued relevance and compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Failure to comply with the policy may result in disciplinary action in accordance with CACC`s procedures and applicable laws. In case of any disputes, updated printed copies of CACC policies will take precedence over the policies published on our website.   


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